Saturday, 16 July 2011

March 6, 2011, 10:03 AM CT

The Freshest laptop designs

The Freshest laptop designs
With aesthetics becoming almost as important a factor in usability and performance when it comes to buying a laptop these days, manufacturers are using teams of consultants to get the design just right for a particular market before they even start putting the parts together. Business users will be looking for something that projects a corporate image of sleek efficiency, often in matt black, whereas teenagers will be more interested in bright colours and funky originality, and there is a whole raft of different requirements in between. Laptop news covers the latest designs in innovative laptops to hit the market in recent months.

Notebooks are becoming increasingly lighter and thinner, and taking on the role of fashion accessories to project a personal image as well as sophisticated machines for processing data and keeping in touch with friends and colleagues.

Intel's Core-i technology is at the heart of the laptop revolution, with these ultra-fast and ultra-small microprocessors allowing for ever-smaller designs and increased performance. They are fitted into a whole range of electronic devices apart from laptops, from digital signs to automated machines. Fitting them into laptops allows the kit to work anywhere up to three times faster than those using the Core 2 technology of older ranges.........

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